Na Diònadairean Clann Mhuirich
Welcome to Na Diònadairean Clann Mhuirich or Guardians of Clan Macpherson. To learn more about the Guardians, visit the "Support Us" page. The following people have become Guardians of the Clan Macpherson Museum. We thank them for their support.
We have updated the list to group our Guardians by branch. There were a few whose branch we could not identify. As you read through this list, if you can help us with the missing branches or if we have mis-identified a branch, please let us know! Thank you.
Scotland & Northern Ireland
Sir William A. & Lady Macpherson of Cluny
Kenneth & Edith McPherson
Ewen S.L. & Margaret MacPherson
Jerome & Annie Macpherson Le Roy-Lewis
Lachie & Marion Mackintosh
Alan Thomas Macpherson, Younger of Cluny
James Brodie Macpherson
Bruce J. S. Macpherson
Eliza Catharine Le Roy-Lewis
Sandy & Catherine Macpherson
Torquil Macpherson Le Roy-Lewis
Flora A. S. MacPherson
Samuel Clarke Leslie
Robert & Ailsa Macpherson
Pauline McGillivray
R.W.G. & Betty Macpherson
Andrew & Nancy Macpherson
J.P. & Sarah Macpherson
Breagh C. Macpherson
John & Iris Macpherson
Robert McGillivray
Norman and Mary McPherson
Lachlan RE Macpherson of Glentruim
Lt Col Angus Macpherson
Lt Gen Robert B & Mrs Eliza Macpherson
Günter Mascheck
Oliver Euan Lachlan Macpherson Younger of Glentruim
Jeffrey & Janet Gouk
Ruis & Ceit Alcorn
Lachlan Macpherson
Seamus & Mairi MacPherson
Lex Macpherson
England & Wales
England & Wales Branch
Alastair & Penelope Macpherson of Pitmain
Anne Springman & Janetta Lee of Cluny
Andrew C. & Emma Pearson
John Stuart Macpherson
Penny MacPherson & Lloyd Cover
David & Masha Lees
Barry & Sue Howarth
Christopher J & Margaret Gillies
Ian & Suzy Macpherson
United States
Helen MacPherson Thompson
Northern California Chapter, US Branch
William R. & Barbara McPherson
Roderick W. & Marian L. Clarke
William F. Jarrett Sr & Jr
James F. & Doris Macphearson
Richard T. & Alice Carson
Robert G. & Jean McPherson
Thomas W. & Susan McPherson
John C. Macpherson
Harry C. & Barbara Smith
Harold E. Ellis
Larry Lee & Lillas McPherson
C. Peter McPherson & Carolyn Fish
Lillian McPherson Rouse
Jack, Frances & Alexander Carson
Donald F. McPherson & Family
Ruth Rouse & Roger Dennis
Southeast Region, US Branch
United States (continued)
Leonora M. Fish
New England Region, US Branch
David Howard
Robert D. & Annett McPherson
Laura Howard
Jean Macpherson & Gordon Duffy
Martha McMahan
Howard & Judi Parsons
Heather J. McPherson
Bonnie A. McPherson
Scott D. McPherson
Devin Z. McDougall Clarke
Kyle D. McPherson
Charles & Pamela McPherson
Kiersten Renee Clarke
Alexander J. W. & Mary Jane McBarnet
Stuart H. MacPherson
William B. & Margaret E. Smith
Derrick & Denise Smith
Kenneth S. & Carolyn J. Croker
Herbert T. & L. Colette Armitt
George McPherson
Judy L & Stacey Redburn
Teri L & Scott Yuen
David S. & Jennifer Croker
Dee McPherson
Sarah Ann Yuen
Hannah Grace Yuen
Kenneth Stanley Macpherson, II
Don and Dodie McPherson
James Jansen
Brady Brim-DeForest
Canadian Branch, CMA
Dan McPherson
Robert B. & Arlena MacPherson
E. Rod Smith
LCol Mark F Macpherson, CD & June Macpherson
Prof. Alan G. Macpherson
John C. & Wendy Gillies
Hugh & Barbara Macpherson
William & Irene M Macpherson
Ian & Jill Gillies
Chantal McPherson
Robert W & Sondra Archibald
Edward (Ed) Melbourne Smith CD
John L & Gwen Macpherson
Jane & Graham Foxe
New Zealand
Zandra Macpherson of Glentruim
Unknown Branch
David R. & Eugene W. McPherson
Samuel Rigby MacPherson
Cori Nicole McPherson
Anna Sophia McPherson
Lina Elizabeth McPherson
Charles R. & Marlene F. Rogers
Evelyn McPherson
Charles McPherson Bright
Updated 5 September 2022