How You Can Support Us
The Clan Macpherson Museum
The Clan Macpherson Museum Trust (CMMT)
is a registered Scottish charity number SC020005
The CMMT owns and runs the Clan Macpherson Museum
The Trust receives no unrestricted public funding and relies on
the generous donations of its supporters, visitors,
and members
of the Clan Macpherson Association (CMA)
The CMMT faces the constant challenge of maintaining the fabric
of the Museum as we strive to improve the visitor experience
Here are seven ways to support us:
- Become a Guardian of the Museum (a list of Guardians can be seen here)
- Become a Friend of the Museum (a list of Friends can be seen here)
- Make a donation to the Sir William and Lady Sheila Macpherson of Cluny Museum Endowment Fund
- Make a cash donation to the Clan Macpherson Museum Trust
- Do your on-line shopping using the EasyFundraising portal
- Legacy Giving - Make a bequest in your will or trust
- Place a donation into one of the collecting boxes at the Museum
All UK taxpayers can benefit from Gift Aid regardless of whether they donate through EasyFundraising, Guardians, Friends, or direct to the Clan Macpherson Museum Trust or Sheila, Lady Cluny Museum Endowment Fund. US donations can also benefit from the US equivalent of Gift Aid if donations are made through the US Branch.

of the Clan Macpherson
Dìonadairean Chlann Mhuirich
To become a Guardian
click here
Thank You
When you become a Guardian, you’ll have the satisfaction of giving to a good cause. Your contribution helps to keep our Museum alive and thriving, and you’ll join a long list of Museum supporters.
The Guardian Fund was established to cover major financial outlays. Guardian donations may be invested or deposited directly into the current account. Income from the Guardian Fund investments is used for general maintenance (overhead) of the Museum.
Guardians are patrons of the Museum. Guardian funds are invested in the Clan Macpherson Museum Trust (a Registered Scottish Charity SC020005) and subject to Gift Aid.
An individual or couple will make a minimum donation of £1,500 (or the equivalent in local currency) to become a Guardian.
After becoming a Guardian and with your permission, we will welcome you on the Clan Macpherson Museum’s Facebook page. You will also receive the following benefits:
- You will receive a Guardian Certificate, signed by Cluny
- Your name will be added to the Guardian Plaque in the Museum
- You will receive a Guardian Pin. You can acquire a Guardian Badge by ordering it from the Museum shop, and both may be worn on any appropriate occasion
- Your name will be listed in Creag Dhubh, the CMA journal
- Your name will be listed on the Museum website supporters’ page along with all other Guardians, past and present
- At the annual Gathering, if an At-Home event at the Museum is planned, you’ll receive an invitation in your registration packet at Registration
- You’ll receive a personal welcome and thank-you note from one of our Trustees
- Our Curator will send you a copy of The Wildcat Gazette , via the email address you’ve provided us
To become a Guardian
click here
Thank You

Friends of the Clan Macpherson Museum
To become a Friend click here
To renew a Friend membership
Thank You
When you become a Friend, you'll have the satisfaction of giving to a good cause. Your contribution helps to keep our Museum alive and thriving, and you'll join a long list of Museum supporters.
Contributions to Friends go directly to the general maintenance (overhead) of the Museum, which includes oil, water, electricity, telephone, insurance, accounting fees, bank charges, equipment/supplies, gardening and grounds maintenance.
Friends subscriptions are designed to renew annually, or you may join for just one year.
Friends subscriptions when renewed provide a regular annual income for the Clan Macpherson
Museum. That income is used to cover general operating costs.
Select the amount you wish to donate, for one year or for annual renewal. Annual recurring Friends
renewals in the UK can occur by standing order. Other Friends may renew annually by manually
renewing on the website. The minimum is £40 for an individual, £60 for a couple, and £125 for corporate
After becoming a Friend and with your permission, we will welcome you on the Clan
Macpherson Museum’s Facebook page. You will also receive the following benefits upon joining and at each
- Your name will be listed on the Museum website supporters' page along with all other Friends, new and renewed
- At the annual Gathering, if an At-Home event at the Museum is planned, you will receive an invitation in your registration packet at Registration
- You will receive a personal welcome and thank-you note from one of our Trustees
- Our Curator will send you a copy of The Wildcat Gazette , using the email address you’ve provided us
To become a Friend click here
To renew a Friend membership
Thank You
The Fund was set up in 2004
as the Sheila, Lady Cluny Museum Endowment Fund
by Sir William Macpherson, 27th Clan Chief,
in memory of his wife, Sheila Macpherson.
Sir William died in 2021 and with the approval of his family,
his name was officially added to the Endowment Fund.
The Objectives of the Fund
- To provide professional curatorial support of both a permanent and temporary nature
- To upgrade exhitions
- To promote scholarly research
- To finance student internship and/or attachment
To donate to the Museum Endowment Fund,
The Endowment Fund is also subject to Gift Aid in the UK, and US citizens may
also be able to claim a deduction from US taxes.
All donations will be personally acknowledged.
Registered Scottish Charity SC035718
The Clan Macpherson Museum Trust (CMMT)
is a registered Scottish charity number SC020005
The Clan Macpherson Museum Mission Statement
Our mission is to preserve and promote the history, folklore, literature, music and traditions of the Clan Macpherson, its ancestral homeland of Badenoch and the Scottish Highlands, by displaying the items entrusted to its care and sharing their story with local and global audiences.
The Trust was established in 1991, replacing an earlier Trust established in 1966. Its mission is to provide a Museum of standing which preserves and displays the collected items entrusted to its care. It is responsible for operating and maintaining the Clan Macpherson Museum. Income and capital from the Trust can be used for anything from repairing the roof to acquiring artefacts, cutting the grass, and paying the electric bills.
Click here to donate to the CMMT
Donate While You Shop
EasyFundraising is open to folks living in the UK,
and it is very easy to participate
Hundreds of on-line shops (like Tesco, John Lewis, B&Q, M&S)
are registered with EasyFundraising
When you are shopping online,
instead of going directly to the vendor’s site when ready to shop,
go to and
register Clan Macpherson
Museum as your preferred charity
Once on the site to do your shopping,
click the link to the the on-line shop you want to use
With that click,
the on-line shop knows to donate a small percentage of your invoice
(typically 1.5%) to the CMMT
~ Legacy Giving ~
A Bequest in your Will or Trust
To support us when you are gone, please consider including the Museum in your will or trust
The Clan Macpherson Museum Trust
Clan Macpherson Museum
Inverness-shire PH20 1DE
Notes to setting up your bequest:
We recommend you consult a solicitor to ensure it is legally valid and reflects your intentions. Please click
here for a template
to help you set up your bequest.
Notes to tax treatment of your bequest:
For UK residents, your bequest may be excluded from the value of your estate which is subject to inheritance tax.
For those living in other countries, please consult your local tax professionals.
You may contact the Museum Treasurer either by email at or by post to the Museum using the address above.
Donate when you visit the Museum in Newtonmore
The Donation Boxes at the Museum
and 'Tap and Donate'
At the completion of your Museum visit,
you can make a donation into one
of the Donation Boxes.
‚Tap and Donate‚ is available as well.
Thank you!