Clan Macpherson Museum - Heart of Jacobite 


Adopt a Bench

Congratulations to the winning bidders for the two new Museum Benches! Ian Macpherson, CMA member and Museum Trustee, and Mike Chappell, owner of The Aviary at Dalwhinnie! Thank you both for your support of our Museum!

New Exterior Signage at the Museum

Our objective is to make the outside of the Museum as fabulous as the inside. When you walk or drive past the Museum, you’ll see our new signs! Designed by a small team of MAC and Museum Trustees with the creative talent of Amy McIlhenny of Fraser Signs of Inverness, the signs are being installed by Fraser during the month of March.

To compare the old and new versions of the long Clan Macpherson Museum sign on the Laggan Road side of the building, just look at the photo from last year, featuring the two new benches. What an improvement!

The Clan Macpherson by Ewen S.L. MacPherson

The Clan Macpherson: Trials, Triumphs & Treasures is now available for sale for £20 in the Museum. Published in 2022, it was researched and written by Ewen S. L. MacPherson, Trustee and long-time supporter of the Museum. Contact the Custodian for your copy, and thank you!

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