Clan Macpherson Museum - Heart of Jacobite 


to the
Clan Macpherson Museum

Come on in and visit us!

Experience the story of
High Resolve, Patriotism, Loyalty
and the Jacobite cause
at The Clan Macpherson Museum


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Macpherson Clan Crest

Discover the romance, loyalty and valour of one of the last of the Jacobites: Cluny of the '45 who was hunted for 9 years after Culloden. He hid in caves and he held the horse for the officer who was searching for him!

The fiddle of James Macpherson

Witness the story behind Macpherson's Lament and the broken fiddle: dramatic tales of a 'Robin Hood-like' character celebrated in song whose life was ended by changing the time on a clock.

Portrait of James 'Ossian' 

Believe it or believe it not! You decide about the story behind the creator of the romantic Highlands, James 'Ossian' Macpherson.

Letter from Dundee to Cluny

See the letter written on 26th July 1689 from Viscount Dundee to Macpherson of Cluny calling for his support in the Jacobite cause.

There is much, much more to see. Learn about the famous men and women of the Clan who have changed the face of the world: in science, the military, the arts and sport. See the weapons used in days gone-by. Read about mutinies and see the chanter sent down from the heavens.

. The Museum is not actively seeking new additions to its collection. To accept a new artefact it must not only be interesting in itself but also have a clear connection with the Clan Macpherson and a story linked to it. If you wish to donate an item, please e-mail the Curator at and attach a photograph of the item and the story for consideration by the Acquisition and Exhibits Sub-Committees.

Good To Go
Wheelchair Access

Opening Hours: 1 April - 31 October will be:
10am to 5pm Monday - Saturday
12 Noon to 5pm Sunday

A minimum donation of £5 into the donation box, or ’Tap & Donate’ after your visit would be very welcome! Thank you for visiting us!